by Craig Fernandez | Apr 16, 2016 | AZLEOS BOOK'EM, Community Policing
Written out version: Keith Whittemore Mesa Legend It’s no secret that police have a public image problem. Recent high-profile confrontations between offices and suspects have brought these longstanding issues to the forefront of public discourse. Officer Jim Hill and...
by Craig Fernandez | Oct 5, 2015 | AZLEOS Project Blue Christmas, Project Blue Christmas, Shop with a Cop
Each underserved child will be paired up with their own law enforcement officer to help them spend $100 for Christmas. Our selection process will be picking children who are in great need of help and need to know that the police are there to help them. 12 Law...
by Craig Fernandez | Sep 30, 2015 | AZLEOS Fundraisers, AZLEOS Project Blue Christmas, AZLEOS Shred'em, Project Blue Christmas, Shop with a Cop
Protect your Identity! Get rid of all those papers in boxes and crates that you need disposed of in a secure place. You will keep your boxes! Check carefully the date and location. All are Saturdays!! October 3rd – Mesa- Target Parking lot on Southern...