Project Blue Christmas is the signature event for AZLEOS.
We have 3 Programs that fall under Project Blue Christmas:
Seniors Season’s Greetings
Traditional Shop with a Cop
Happy Mall-iday Teen Event
Our program allows youths, teens and seniors to enjoy a Christmas or Holiday Season that they otherwise would never get the opportunity to experience.
Youth and teens will be screened by individual police departments and local community outreach programs within the valley for need and to make sure they are doing well in school and staying out of trouble. This program is set up to allow all law enforcement, not just police officers, to become involved with this amazing program throughout the state.
Seniors will be selected based on need through our Aging Safely Program.
Donations will be raised in each community through fundraisers and corporate sponsorships.
We are excited to bring 19 multiple law enforcement agencies together for this program to create community policing opportunities throughout Arizona.